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Snow and Ice Storm Safety Tips from a Disaster Restoration Company

Snow and Ice Storm Safety Tips from a Disaster Restoration Company

Dec 04, 2023

As the temperatures start to drop and the landscape turns into a winter wonderland here in Wisconsin, we're all reminded of the beauty and challenges of the season. Snow and ice, while picturesque, can bring a unique set of concerns for homeowners and businesses alike. At Superior Cleaning & Restoration, a seasoned disaster restoration company in Wisconsin, we understand these challenges intimately. In this post, we’re sharing our expertise to help you navigate the winter months safely and with confidence. Whether it’s preparing for a looming ice storm or recovering from a snowy surprise, we’ve got you covered with practical and effective tips.

Understanding the Risks of Snow and Ice Damage

Snow and ice storms can pose significant risks to your home or business. The weight of snow and ice can cause structural damage while freezing temperatures can lead to burst pipes and water damage. As a disaster restoration company with over 30 years of experience, we've seen firsthand the importance of being prepared for these winter challenges.

Common Types of Household Damage Caused by Winter Storms

Roof Damage: The weight of accumulating snow and ice can strain the structural integrity of a roof. This can lead to sagging, cracking, or in extreme cases, collapse. Ice dams, which form when melted snow refreezes at the edge of a roof, can also cause damage by preventing proper drainage and potentially leading to water seepage into the home.

Frozen Pipes
: Extremely low temperatures can cause water in pipes to freeze. Frozen pipes are prone to bursting, leading to significant water damage inside the home. This is particularly common in pipes located in unheated interior spaces like basements, attics, and garages, or in those against exterior walls with minimal insulation.

Tree Damage:
Heavy snow and ice can accumulate on tree limbs, making them heavy and more likely to break. Falling branches or trees can damage roofs, windows, cars, and other property, and potentially cause power outages if they fall on power lines.

Power Outages
: Ice storms are notorious for causing power outages. Ice accumulation on power lines and trees can lead to downed lines and disrupted service. This not only causes the inconvenience of being without power but can also lead to secondary issues like lack of heating or water damage due to sump pumps failing to operate.

Water Damage from Melting Snow and Ice:
As snow and ice begin to melt, the water can seep into homes, causing damage to foundations, basements, and interior spaces. This is particularly problematic if the ground is still frozen or saturated, as it can lead to water pooling and infiltration into the home.

Exterior Damage:
Siding, gutters, and windows can also suffer from ice and snow storms. Ice can cause gutters to detach or malfunction, while fluctuating temperatures can lead to cracks in windows or siding.

Snow Storm Safety Tips

Before the Storm - Preparation Tips:

  • Insulate water pipes to prevent freezing.
  • Ensure your heating system is in good working order.
  • Secure or store outdoor items to prevent them from being blown away or damaged.
  • Keep an emergency kit handy, including flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit.
  • Disaster restoration companies like ours can also provide pre-storm assessments to help you identify and mitigate potential risks.

During the Storm - Safety Measures:

  • Your safety is paramount during a storm. Here's what you can do:
  • Stay indoors and off the roads unless absolutely necessary.
  • Keep yourself warm, but be cautious with space heaters and open flames.
  • Avoid overexertion when shoveling snow; take breaks and stay hydrated.
  • In emergencies, our team is available to provide immediate assistance and support.

After the Storm - Damage Assessment and Restoration:

  • Check for signs of structural damage, ice dams, or water leaks.
  • Document any damage for insurance purposes.
  • Contact a professional disaster restoration company for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs.

Who To Call in Case of Winter Storm Damage

When winter storms hit, leaving a trail of snow and ice damage in their wake, it's essential to know who to call for help. While immediate concerns like power outages or fallen trees may require utility companies or emergency services, the bulk of storm damage to your property is best addressed by a professional disaster restoration company.

Superior Cleaning & Restoration, we have over 30 years of experience providing water damage cleanup to the Plover, Wisconsin community. Our experts are equipped to swiftly assess and repair various forms of water damage. Our expertise extends beyond basic repairs; we use specialized equipment to ensure thorough restoration, mitigating long-term impacts and helping with insurance claims. 

Preparing for and dealing with snow and ice storms can be challenging, but with the right measures and support, you can minimize the impact on your property. Remember, our team is here to help you through every step of the process, from pre-storm preparations to post-storm restoration. For more information or assistance, don't hesitate to call us at (715) 500-4581 or fill out our
online contact form on our website.

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